Workshop YouTube Channel |
IV 3D-DLAD workshop, 8th Edition of Deep Learning for Automated Driving (DLAD) workshop IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV’2022) at Aachen, Germany, Organizers : B Ravi Kiran, Y Senthil Kumar, Abhinav Valada, Varun Ravi Kumar with DLAD team |
III 3D-DLAD workshop, 7th Edition of Deep Learning for Automated Driving (DLAD) workshop IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV’2020) at Las Vegas, United States, Organizers : B Ravi Kiran, Y Senthil Kumar, Abhinav Valada with DLAD team |
CoFED-DLAD 2020 workshop, 5th Edition of Deep Learning for Automated Driving (DLAD), Collaborative Perception & Federated ML for Autonomous Driving workshop Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference ITSC’2020 at Rhodes, Greece. Organizers : B. Ravi Kiran, Naveen Shankar Nagaraja, Senthil Yogamani, Konstantinos Moustakasm Victor Vaquero, Patrick Perez, Bharanidhar Duraisamy, Dan Levi, Felix Friedmann, Lars Kunze, Markus Enzweiler, Ahmad El Sallab, Ravishankar Sivalingam, Stefan Milz, Sumanth Chennupati |
II 3D-DLAD workshop, 6th Edition of Deep Learning for Automated Driving (DLAD) workshop IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV’2020) at Las Vegas, United States, Organizers : B Ravi Kiran, Y Senthil Kumar, with DLAD team |
DLAD-BP 2019, 3rd Edition of Deep Learning for Automated Driving (DLAD) workshop at Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference ITSC’19 - NewZealand, Auckland, 27-30 Oct, 2019, Organizers : Senthil Yogamani, B. Ravi Kiran, Victor Vaquero, Patrick Perez, Bharanidhar Duraisamy, Dan Levi, Felix Friedmann, Lars Kunze, Markus Enzweiler, Ahmad El Sallab, Ravishankar Sivalingam, Stefan Milz, Sumanth Chennupati |
Videos Not available/Live Workshop |
3D-DLAD 2019, 2nd Edition of Deep Learning for Automated Driving (DLAD) workshop IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV’19) - Paris, France, June 9-12, 2019, Organizers : Victor Vaquero, B. Ravi Kiran, Senthil Yogamani, Patrick Perez, Bharanidhar Duraisamy, Dan Levi, Felix Friedmann, Lars Kunze, Markus Enzweiler, Ahmad El Sallab, Ravishankar Sivalingam, Stefan Milz, Sumanth Chennupati |
Videos Not available/Live Workshop |